Ubuntu 22.04 desktop review and apps to install
Ubuntu 22.04
This new version of Ubuntu installs without a glitch in my Yoga 920, I setup this device with dual boot with windows 10, see install ubuntu on yoga 920
this version of Ubuntu the touch screen works flawless, the screen goes
black before it rotates but it works without a glitch. Both my Logitech
K810 keyboard, M557 and M720 mice work great with Ubuntu. On the M557
even the mouse windows key works.
Fn+Space - turn on the keyboard light with 2 levels
pad, Track pad lock button, Windows Key, Vol Mute/Up/Down , Airplane
plane mode, WiFi, Bluetooth, Camera button, Lock Screen, Brightness
buttons, PrtSrc, Power button, Camera recording works all works out of
the box.
I normally install Signal, Spotify and Chromium all available on Ubuntu software store app installed by default.
also normally install Slack, Zoom, Skype to allow me to work, these apps are
great if you work on a corporate environment and you needed it for your
I never took time to setup the finger print scanner on the Yoga 920, but out of the box is not working.
"Gnome Boxes App" that allows you to run virtual machines in Ubuntu is more user friendly to use in this version, you can create a VM in
seconds, it downloads the Operating system for you and boots right into
the OS.
For Windows you need a ISO image and some drivers but is also pretty easy too, I have a blog-post describing the process here.
Touch Screen
is a great interface for touch screens, it works really well, if you
use a mix between keyboard mouse and touch screen actions the default
setup works really well.
Firefox the
default browser is great when using the mouse and keyboard, but is
terrible when using a touch screen, so if are finger friendly you need
to install chromium. Chromium works really well while using your
If you use laptop in tablet mode, you need also need to install chromium and enable the screen keyboard in accessibility mode.
Chromium and the on screen keyboard, you can consume content from
websites like YouTube, Twitch, Facebook watch in tablet mode and all
works great out of the box.
you have a HIDPI laptop like the Yoga 920 that can do 4k in 14 inches
of screen, the new Ubuntu supports fractional scaling. This allows you
to tune the fonts and windows scaling a bit more at the expense of
normally run my Yoga 920 at 1080p which is great for 14 inches screen,
to save battery, but some times I change it to 4k, it I'm editing images
or watching some videos in 4k, since you get more pixel area for the
Things todo after install is finished
Open "Ubuntu Software" App and select the applications you like the best.
Here is a list of Apps that I like to install in my laptop
Gnome new tools
sudo apt install gnome-console gnome-shell-extensions gnome-tweaks gnome-text-editor
You probably can remove gnome-terminal and gedit, since the new tools replace are good replacing for these.
obs-studio - screen recorder
kazam - screen recorder
peek - screen recorder
mypaint krita pinta gimp - Image editors
blender - 3D modeling
kdenlive - Video editor
pitivi - Video editor
flowblade - Video editor
handbrake - multi-threaded video trans-coder.
flameshot - take a screen shot
shotcut - Video Editor
flameshot - take a screen shot
shotcut - Video Editor
Rawtherapee - Image Editor
audacity - Sound editor
audacious - Audio player
audacious - Audio player
soundconverter - Sound Converter
stacer - System analysis
htop - System analysis
steam - game engine, game store tons of games available.
For codecs needed for Video and Sound Install
sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
To run other Linux Instances or windows vms [and see my other blog post how to setup windows].
sudo apt-get install virt-manager gnome-boxes
Install Apps command line
apt install mypaint krita pinta shotcut blender kdenlive pitivi
flowblade audacity kazam stacer htop flameshot gimp steam audacity
audacious handbrake soundconverter obs-studio peek
Open Ubuntu Software
Install GNOME Tweaks
Install Spotify
Install Signal
Install SlackInstall Skype
Video Calls:
Install Zoom
Firefox Plugins
To enable touch screen support: simply edit /etc/security/pam_env.conf and add
then reboot.Disable all tracking Cookies - https://privacybadger.org/
HTTPS only - https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere
Firefox private Network VPN - https://fpn.firefox.com/vpn
Running with Wayland
using pipewire for sound
systemctl --user status pipewire pipewire-session-manager
sudo apt install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries pipewire-audio-client-libraries libspa-0.2-bluetooth libspa-0.2-jack pipewire-media-session wireplumber
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/alsa.conf.d/99-pipewire-default.conf /etc/alsa/conf.d/
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/ld.so.conf.d/pipewire-jack-*.conf /etc/ld.so.conf.d/
systemctl --user --now enable wireplumber.service
sudo apt remove pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
reboot to replace pulse with pipewire
add this to your ~/.profile to change firefox to use waylnd for rendering
On chrome change
chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-pipewire-capturer -> Enable
chrome://flags/#ozone-platform-hint -> Auto
You can run chrome like this to get video decoding accelaration.
google-chrome --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder
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